Valerie Chiu

Valerie Chiu

Valerie is studying Economics and Environmental Studies at the University of Toronto. Her coffee journey went straight from being a coffee hater to a specialty coffee lover, skipping the 1st and 2nd waves, and is currently taking classes to get her Coffee Skills Diploma, offered by the SCA. In her free time, she likes playing and listening to music, discovering coffee shops, pondering the meaning of life, and occasionally (if she's that bored), skydiving.

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Robusta Coffee Farming in the Amazon of Ecuador with Witoca Coffee

We The Origin was founded on the principles of sustainability, transparency, and equity. We are deeply concerned about the coffee price crisis and want to raise awareness by connecting the producers from the...

Trailblazing India’s Specialty Coffee Movement in New Delhi

We The Origin was founded on the principles of sustainability, transparency, and equity. We are deeply concerned about the coffee price crisis and want to raise awareness by connecting the producers from the...

A Coffee Dream in Guatemala

We The Origin was founded on the principles of sustainability, transparency, and equity. We are deeply concerned about the coffee price crisis and want to raise awareness by connecting the producers from the...

Coffee in Colombia: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

We The Origin was founded on the principles of sustainability, transparency and equity. We are deeply concerned about the coffee price crisis and want to raise awareness by connecting the producers from the...



A History of Coffee: The Mysterious Ethiopian Plant

“Even a bad cup of coffee is better than no coffee at all”  David Lynch Coffee is a...

What Are The Best Coffee Beans?

“We buy only the BEST coffee beans.” How many times have you heard that on TV or radio commercials? How does one...

A History of Coffee: The Wartime Drink

“I would rather suffer with coffee than be senseless.”Napoleon Bonaparte In the past few weeks, we have traveled through...

Coffee: Making Waves

“Catch a wave and you’ll be sitting on top of the world.” So sang the Beach Boys back in 1963. Of course,...

Dalgona Coffee fights the COVID blues

Social media users are doing their best to fight the COVID blues and all the challenges physical distancing is causing. Many trends...